Because every girl needs a purse that's bigger on the inside. (i never get tired of that joke)

I crochet the box, and used felt and thread for the details.

side view

I lined the inside of the strap so it wouldn't stretch out.

 Inside views. I thought the fabric looked like the the time vortex in the intros
 And I even put in pockets!

I had this little candy box that I found recently and decided it needed a makeover.
what better than a tiny tardis??

I also decided to paint the inside. I know it's a little messy, but i'm, hoping it looks a little endearing that way.

then I had to make the doctor to really make this a complete gift.

I figured it was appropriate since she got me into the show

I saw these awesome converse on pinterest with a similar logo (seen here http://pinterest.com/pin/51158145740088951/ )
and I just had to make one! (I've started watching Doctor Who recently :))

But I couldn't find the picture anywhere on the interwebs!

So I made one using Photoshop and Paint.

I used the Chuck Taylor logo as a base and stuck a tardis on it.
the original said "space / time" where mine says "timey / wimey"

I haven't printed this on shoes yet, but I might put this on the galaxy shoes I've made recently. I'll try to remember to take pics when I do.
Feel free to steal this picture, print it on transfer paper, and have awesome converse!!
But you might need to size it since I haven't done so yet.